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Exploring the Colorful World of Photography

I love photography, but until last weekend it didn’t occur to me that I can become a photographer! Much like the guy in the video, I had gotten too caught up in my work life.

One of my fellow fashion blogger sent me a latest picture of two kids waiting for their school bus; she clicked it from her dad's recently bought OnePlus One from Flipkart. The picture swayed me to my childhood days and reminded me of how I used to slide away my dad’s camera and click random pictures, tell my parents that I wanted to be a wild life photographer. The “Bus Stop” picture was sufficient cue to make me realize it is time to make my dream come true. So before the spur of moment could fade away, I logged in to my Flipkart account and ordered a Canon EOS 1200D DSLR Camera !

I always believed, I can be a photographer too and it does not require any innate skills to do so. Knowledge of lights, shadows, colors, hues, saturation and a correct angle will lead you to a perfect picture. Before my camera could arrive I did a little homework by reading Photography 101 and got a heads up on what all is there in store for me.

When I got hold of the camera I was dazzled at the idea of defining all the amazing things surrounding me! But as I told you I am no born photographer, so I Clicked! Clicked and Clicked!

Since it was my very first time with a DSLR camera, I did not want to let go the “auto-mode”. I planned to learn from the camera itself, by observing the rules of clicking. Now I am slowly changing my perspective of what I see from a camera lens, I try to grab the focal point of my image and then move out of auto mode to experiment in manual one.

As opposed to my childhood’s amateur imagination of wanting to be a “wild life” photographer, I am not at all constraining myself to any genre in photography. I just shoot and shoot! No matter if it gets good bad or ugly, there is no harm in exploring and there is plenty of room to discover and try and learn most out of it.

Snaps Taken

Here are some snaps capturing the beauty of Hyderabad (India), though the lens of my Canon EOS 1200D DSLR Camera.

The best part is, since I have always loved photography, buying a DSLR did wonders. My weekends are not spent watching lazy TV series, rather I go out and explore every bit of Hyderabad. Coming back, I look at my days’ trials and I take more of what I like! Sometimes I challenge myself to get better and sometimes I practice for what I am getting better at.

I know I am not going to be Ansel Adams overnight but I am enjoying every bit of the camera I bought. Instead of just my 9 to 5 job, I am learning how my camera works? What is RAW image? How can it be better? How can I use tools like Photoshop, Aperture or Lightroom? How can I post process to make the picture to look more natural and at the end of the day I share it with my friends!

Now whatever I look into I seek an inspiration in it! Thanks Flipkart for fulfilling my Wish ! 