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How To Choose The Right Paid Link Shortener?

Currently, lot of people are looking for a new way to make some extra money online.One of the method is using paid link shorteners. Let me present you how I choose the best of them.

What exactly link shorteners are? How to use and earn via paid link shorteners?

How paid shorteners work?

Choosing Paid Link Shorteners for Testing

Link shorteners are an area of intense competition. Due to the above I decided to make my own tests .
After searching through trusted forums, I choose 5 top link shorteners:
  • Adf.ly
  • Linkshrink.net
  • Clk.im
  • Shorte.st
  • Bc.vc

Helpdesk Survey

When investigate helpdesk I was paying attention especially to the quality provided answers and time of responses.

AdFly Support was competent, responsed really quickly. The only negative is that they were providing earlier prepared answers, so I didn't feel that I'm talking with human.

LinkShrink.net didn't give me with anything special, their customer service was just correct. They responded to the notification quickly and efficiently.

In turn, Clk.im had a good quality Skype support. I think that their aim is to build a satisfactionary relationship with customer and they doing this well.

Bc.vc disappointed me.

Their answer:

It wasn't inviting neither friendly reply. They also didn’t explained me much.

But let's take a look for the rest of the conversation with Bc.vc:

I think, I don’t need comment this.

The last but not least, Shorte.st helpdesk, was in my opinion professional and helpful.

Their responses were quick and wide. When I asked, they described me me how to generate good income and get traffic from the US.

What you should know: Terms of Use

I was surprised when I discovered that Clk.im reserves the right to charge a registration fee in the future. I'm curious how big will be this fee.

What shocked me perhaps even more is a fact that LinkShrink.net takes a fee for access to user personal data. Every user have to pay $10 for it!

Tidbits and Extras

I decided to go deeper, so I did forums and blogs research.


Among a lot positive comments, I found also a few the negative ones, e.g:

Facebook blocked adf.ly URL because of spam but you can share your adf.ly link by masking adf.ly URL with other link shortening services eg bitly tiny URL etc.



I came across a lot of sponsored articles. I cannot find feedback from the real forum users. Maybe you have something interesting and would like to share it?


In contrast to Adf.ly, Linkshrink.net reviews were mostly negative. Complaints concerned bad counting, the decline in eCPM, non-payment of money.


While surfing the internet, I met various opinions regarding the payments:

I have been paid few times.

I got money.

Now it doesn't pay.


Besides, on many forums and websites I repeatedly saw the same payment proof. I remembered the total refund amount, it was $ 18.40:


Overall, the reviews were good, mostly appreciated was the design and solvency. The logo of the service is so characteristic, that some people used name 'Ninja' when write about Shorte.st.

Here I found source of information about the service:


Did you select already your favorite shortener? Can you guess which one I choose? I explored above shorteners for capability to money making, way to collect and analyze data, eCPM, views counting etc.

You'll find those information in my next post. That's all for today. Good luck in money making!