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C / C++ Graphics in Vista

Most of you might have not be able to run graphics in C / C++ in vista. Here, is a solution for the same.

Download the zipped file from the link below :
Download Dev-Cpp with Graphics In Vista (16.5 MB )

After downloading the file, extract the folder to "C:\" . The folder will consist of Dev C++ Complier.

Follow the steps below :

1. Go to the “File” menu and select “New”, “Project”, Choose “Empty Project” and make sure “C++ project” is selected.Give your project suitable name and click on “Ok”.


1. You can create individual C++” source file” instead of “project”.Go to the “File” menu and select “New Source File” OR Go to the “Project” menu and select “New File”.

2. Go to “Project” menu and choose “Project Options”.

3. Go to the “Parameters” tab.

4. In the “Linker” field, enter the following text:


5. Click “Ok” to save settings.

Now you’ve done with the configuration for WinBGIm. Please make sure you’ve done these step properly otherwise compiler will flag error.