Fix "Not in Sudoers file" Error in Linux
"Sudo" is a commonly used command in Linux. Two of the best advantages about using sudo are:
But sometimes it you try to accomplish a task using Sudo command, you get an error message saying : "
(1) Open a Terminal window.
(2) Go to superuser by typing "su" and then entering the password for root user.
(3) Now type "visudo" to open the sudoers file.
(4) You will see a file more or less like this.
(5) Navigate to the end of file and add the following line :# /etc/sudoers## This file MUST be edited with the 'visudo' command as root.## See the man page for details on how to write a sudoers file.#Defaults env_reset# Host alias specification# User alias specification# Cmnd alias specification# User privilege specificationroot ALL=(ALL) ALL
where "USER" is the username you use as standard user.
(6) Save and quit. This should solve the problem.