Google Lends Hand to Eradicate Polio

Monetary contribution from IT giants like Google, Microsoft and Intel among many others can be termed as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility. For instance, Google has been pushing green computing actively for conservation of environment. While this not for profit step by Google Foundation is one of their initiatives besides the investments in development of SME sector that will help India.
Deepak Kapur, Chairman of the India National Polio Plus Committee of Rotary, said, “The polio battle in India today is just short of the finishing line, and the much needed funds supported by will further boost the campaign in India and the world to eradicate polio forever.” Like India, three other polio-endemic counties- Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria will benefit from this funding.
Rotary’s philanthropy aims to reach most challenging destinations on earth. As part of this initiative, India has received Rs 3.12 billion grant so far. India has had the most polio outbreaks with about 60 per cent of the global polio cases. In 2007, 844 polio cases were recorded as compared to 676 in the previous year.
But from them any innovative way to raise funds would be something really appreciative. For instance, it would be nice to see if Google came out with any innovative ‘Help for Polio eradication’ campaigns. Like signing up for using Google’s online services where Google will pay the beneficiaries certain share depending upon usage. That would be totally different than mere clicking on Ads and banners. While the drive to eradicate polio from India is about to conclude, this push will help it to finish it earlier.