Software Piracy Comes Down in India

Piracy not only has an effect on the companies that sell software, but also on the health of the economy at large. For instance, a report by IDC last year shows that reducing software piracy by ten percentage points over a four year period could generate an additional 43,000 new jobs, lead to $3.1 billion in economic growth, and $200 million in tax revenues for the country. The decline in piracy in thebe due to change in consumer attitude or regulatory crackdown since these numbers are only relating to personal computer software piracy. A possible reason could be the availability of SaaS cloud services. And because OEMs are increasingly giving bundled software with PCs for which costs are recovered from the consumer at source. Whatever may be the reason, software companies still need to come up with an innovative way to battle the problem.
Perhaps taking a page from the music industry could be a possible solution. The music industry is now becoming more and more open to giving away free content, but is setting up viable and alternate revenue models at the same time.