Why not Linux?

The market share of Windows(including all editions) is above 90% and the Mac has around 6% share in the market. Linux, that's free to use and edit, has only around 2% share.
Today, my windows trial period expired and now I'm left with no other choice but to use Ubuntu. I have been using Ubuntu for over an year now, but earlier I used it just for programming and deployment.
Today, when I cannot use windows, I explored lot of things in Ubuntu that are better that windows even.
- Everything here is free. You don't have to pay to use it.
- Secondly, it has lot of built in drivers and is compatible with a huge variety of devices. I just plugged in my Bluetooth adapter and it was detected and made ready to use without the need of any drivers to install. In Windows I could not use it because it was not compatible with Vista or 7. And even in XP it required a driver.
- Thirdly, its virus free. have you ever heard of a virus infecting a Linux based system?
Apart from this there are many other things that make Ubuntu a better OS - its stable, it has all the features of a typical desktop OS, it has a beautiful GUI and many options. For everything there is a free option available in the Ubuntu Software Center and Package manager.
What else do we need in an OS?
I just do not understand, why people run away from Linux. In developing countries like India, free and open source software can be a boon if it can be implemented in a proper manner.
There is a huge myth associated with Linux OS. Some people think that the user has to type commands to do everything. Well, let me tell you that its complete crap. Things have changed now and everything is available through the GUI.
There is simply no need to spend a bulky amount to buy software. We can use Linux and other open source softwares to fulfill our needs and can spend our money in other productive things.
Lets give those men some honor who work day and night just to provide us free software.
Go for Linux, encourage humanity!!!