Open Source : A Way of Life
Open source is no longer just about software. It’s now a way of life. Be it movies, music, hardware, gadgets, education, news, governance and even beer; everything around us is swaying to the symphony of the open source mantra.
What started of as a revolution in software development, wherein the source code was bundled with software so as to enable modification and collaboration, has now evolved into a philosophy that pervades almost every aspect of our lives. From art to mass media, and from governance to even beer; free and open source culture is now a way of life. Where the traditional way of doing things was to closely guard the building blocks of a product, the new way is to open everything to the community, resulting in the obvious outcome – collaboration leading to a much better product. But do too many cooks spoil the broth? No they don’t. That axiom surely loses its potency when it comes to this emerging culture. The philosophy being applied to the non-software world has achieved tremendous success. It is quite clear that a few thousand heads are definitely better than one.
The origins
This new wave began sometime in the mid-80s when Richard Stallman quit his job at MIT and set up the Free Software Foundation. His belief was simple – create high quality software that is freely available to everybody. But what was wrong with corporations making software back then? Commercial companies constrict their software with patents and copyrights and keep the source code—the original program code, a closely guarded secret. Even the processes and approaches to doing things were locked away, and many developers found themselves stifled and shackled. Software thus being created was not of the best possible quality and definitely poorer than what could’ve been achieved though collaboration. There was no free flow of ideas, and if programmers had no way to learn from previously written code, the art of programming was likely to stagnate.
Eventually, the internet ushered in the era of collaboration, sharing, the free flow of information and the modular approach to working on projects. Stallman, however, later became a proponent of the free software movement, that believes in complete freedom, while the culture that has evolved over time is about cultural openness rather than strictly open source.
The culture of the masses
Perhaps Wikipedia is the quintessential open philosophy project. This form of open philosophy later became known as crowd sourcing. The collaboration success story is a massive endeavor driven by a legion of contributors who work for nothing more than a desire to disseminate accurate information. The web site has close to 10 million registered users, many of whom not only use it as a resource, but also contribute towards expanding it.
Open source journalism
Instances of the culture can be found even in mass media. Earlier, the power to publish was in the hands of a few. With platforms such as blogs coming into existence, that allow for push button publishing, citizen journalism is on the rise. Now, these may not necessarily be open source in the literal sense; they are however tools that facilitate cultural openness and freedom. Tools such as these have helped deliver news at some very critical times. The source of such news is completely open, i.e. it comes from the global collective. For instance, mainstream publications such as the New York Times picked up news trickling out of Iran via twitter. The news was modified, pieced together to join the dots and made into a meaningful picture of events, before being published – all this involves the fundamental tenets of open source – collaboration, modification, and freedom.
Several companies have taken to crowd sourcing their research & development. At the same time there are specialized crowd sourcing communities such as and The former is a think-tank for developing software products while the latter is involved in bringing to the market innovative real world electronics; all based on the collective intelligence of the crowd.
Other than idea generation, crowd sourcing has been used in rather interesting ways., a research company, called for amateur portfolio managers to register and run a virtual fund with a million dollars. Eventually, it mirrored the stock positions and trades of the top hundred users on the site into a real world fund with real money. The fund has beaten the S&P 500 Index in 8 out of 11 quarters since inception. Wikipedia is an excellent example where crowd sourcing has resulted in creation – and no small feat at that. The sea of knowledge amassed by the crowd sourced power of Wikipedia, exceeds any other man made repository of information available to the public. Even social bookmarking like Digg or StumbleUpon is also a form of crowd sourcing that leads to discovery.
Open Music
One of the trends we’ve seen in music is of bands giving away music for free, directly from their web sites. The trend was started by bands like Radiohead and Nine Inch Nails when they began releasing albums on the internet. The latest one to follow suit is Coldplay with the release of its latest album LeftRight LeftRight Left, which we gave out on last month’s DVD. Now this phenomenon of artists giving away music is certainly not open source in the strict sense, but rather a part of free culture, since the songs cannot be modified and distributed further. Although free, the approach is, strangely enough, paying off! Radiohead’s In Rainbows album, which was released digitally, went on to sell three million copies (digital and physical format sales). Of the roughly 30 per cent who did pay, said they’d paid around $5, on average. One of the more lavish spenders, Nigel Regan, donated £4.27, “I reckon this is a shade more than they would take from a label on a per unit sale. More to the point I wanted to reward the highly creative approach; next time I’d pay less but ultimately would buy more music”, he says on a blog. The trend is catching on in India, too. Last month some of the guys went for a rock concert featuring Mother Jane. tries to straddle the line between free and commercial music. The web site is like a record label itself that signs artists from all over. The model is very simple: You can listen to a song for free by simply streaming it. If you want to keep the song, you pay a suggested price. Still, the suggested price is only indicative. You’re free to pay anything, higher or lower.
Open movies
While Elephants Dream was a short film, Valkaama is a full feature film being developed in Finland. Content for the movie has already been shot and subsequently published on the project’s home page. Everyone is encouraged to contribute to the post-production process in order to complete the movie. The movie is near completion and the community is currently working on the music score. The community’s work flow is managed quite well by constantly updating a list of work to be done for the film. Currently, apart from the music score, there is some amount of compositing left according to the list. Any takers? Community members discuss the work and ways to approach it in the forums.
The Digital Tipping Point is another such collaborative project. It’s a documentary about open source. What better subject matter to be showcased via an open movie, right? The raw footage for the film consists of hours and hours of interviews. This presents a really good opportunity for wannabe editors to snip it into meaningful content. When the final product is released, it’s bound to be a tight film, thanks to so many heads involved in the post production process.
Open source cinema also involves the remixing culture that is pretty common in music, and is catching up in the images/pictures space. The idea is to create original clips of video and offer it to the community to remix and republish. Some of these mashups make for some interesting viewing. However, for this trend to catch on there are a few hurdles. Video editing is not everybody’s cup of tea and besides, meaningfully using canned clips requires quite a creative bent of mind. The hotspots for open cinema are,, and Be sure to watch “A remix Manifesto 2.0” on – an open source documentary about copyright and remix culture. Created over a period of six years, the film features the collaborative remix work of hundreds of people.
Eat, sleep, DRINK open source
Right next to the open source kitchen sink (if ever there will be one), is the idea for open source beverages. Now you’ve made drinks at home, right? As children, come summer, we all remember making a cool batch of Rasna. But can you make Coke or Pepsi? Nope, you can’t. Perhaps the same gripe drove people to come up with the concept of open cola. A cola for which the recipe is openly available for anyone to modify or improve. But the project started off, not as a backlash, against big cola but as a promotional tool for FOSS. The idea was such a hit that the cola by itself sold more than 1,50,000 cans. The company backing the project became more famous as a cola company than as a company formed for the promotion of open source concepts.
Mod away
Perhaps the most interesting field touched by open source is hardware, since its so diametrically opposite to the culture’s software origins. For long, hardware manufacturers have had those little stickers across the seams of their products, exalting the warning “do not open, warranty void if seal broken”. It’s quite clear that they don’t want you to fiddle with their product or modify it in any way; even if you’re resourceful enough to modify it to make it better. Thus enters open source hardware – designed to be physically modified or reprogrammed to make it easy to install custom firmware and software to create entirely new products. The way this works is by the sharing of schematics, hardware design, PCB layout data and the free release of any other information that will help further development, such as the bill of materials. The idea behind this is the same as with software; opening up development will see innovation in never before seen ways.
Take the case of the Open Graphics Project (OGP), which aims to design architectures and standards for graphics cards which will be used in OS Operating Systems and eventually morph into full-featured and competitive end-user graphics cards. The first board prototype dubbed OGD1, is an FPGA chip. Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) can have their circuit pattern altered by programming, much like a Flash memory chip. Thus the circuit itself is firmware. The trouble is that such a board will be very expensive. But once the chips are out, developers will be able to try out their existing 3D acceleration designs. Once a stable enough design is created and tested, the cards can be mass manufactured.
The BUGlabs project is another interesting open source hardware platform. It can best be described as Lego for the serious geek. These are basically modular computing devices that can be programmed and attached to each other to make devices that perform specialized specific tasks. The main building block, or the central piece, comes with an ARM processor (530 MHz), memory (128 MB), a rechargeable battery and several ports where other bug devices can be attached. The device can then be modded to perform tasks by attaching modules; say a motion sensor module for some security purpose. The modules available from the company include GPS, camera, and screens for added functionality. The open source hardware project is enabling a new generation of engineers to tap their creativity and build any type of device they want, without having to solder, learn solid state electronics, or “go to China” as it says on its web site. Snap on gadget building – that’s the concept. Arduino is similar open-source physical computing platform with a development environment for writing software for the board. For more details visit
The CEO of OpenMoko, Mr. Sean Moss-Pultz has coined an interesting phrase for this phenomenon. He calls it “social electronics” – an approach that bridges the gap between the developer community and consumers. The project has been quite successful, with multiple widget kits and UI interfaces already developed to run on the OpenMoko hardware.
Open science
Traditionally, scientists have been known to be very secretive about their research until it is finalized and published. But things are slowly changing and many initiatives have sprung up that mirror the open source way of doing things. There are many databases set up that provide open access to the scientific community and students alike, to be able to access information for research. Why did the conservative scientific community that would earlier thrive on “eureka” breakthroughs decide to go open? Perhaps the telescoping nature of scientific advancement in today’s era made research stagnant and there was no other option than to pool resources. When it comes to publication of scientific research, a notable project is the Budapest Open Access Initiative ( So what kind of material is available here? As the site explains “BOAI makes an explicit and fundamental distinction between writings that scientists and scholars do and do not wish to give away for free. BOAI applies only to the former. The objective is that readers should not have to pay access tolls to read them.-” And though this project facilitates free access, scientists still retain copyrights, and citing references pointing to sources is important when using any of it. Then there is, that calls itself a social knowledge network. It allows registered users to exchange “Grey Literature”, which includes access to each others papers, idea outlines and slides.
Open source kitchen sink
Open source has reached so many different facets of life that experiments with the concept are taking place in almost every field. There’s open source education, wherein a category of community developed study material has evolved called OSC (open source curriculum). OSC signifies any online instructional resource that can be used for free, is free to distribute and can be modified. The seminal work in this field dates back to 2003 with MIT starting the Open Courseware project. This provided students with open access to class syllabuses, and lecture notes amongst other resources. Another project, known as the Global Education and Learning Community, is busy bringing out online books and other curriculum material for students from kindergarten up to class 12. A similar project that has managed to create over 10,000 pages of curriculum is being used successfully by a school district in Alaska. The same benefits of open source collaboration, are realized here – content that is produced is of the highest quality, up to date (obsolescence is a major affliction for text books), and led by a community of dedicated educators. Through the free and open source philosophy, there has emerged what economists are beginning to call a “new segment of global public goods”. According to them, even simple comments we make on YouTube, forums and message boards, are part of the fabric of the global collective. Those comments together make a product; they enhance the original product and form an integral part of the sum total of human knowledge. In a world where there is growing distrust of corporate entities and restrictive IP rights, the ownership of knowledge and how we use it will define the next era of development. Who knows, open source may some day lead us to a Utopian society of abundance, freedom and liberty only envisaged by philosophers.