The Spam Fighter
Spam and junk emails are a thing of the past. More recently spam through Short Messaging Service (SMS) has become quite a big thing. Most of you guys might have already faced such an issue of receiving pointless SMS ads and offers that never seem to stop even after activating certain servicing to stop receiving these messages from their service provider. So how does one counter these spam messages?
Not only in India are we facing this problem, but in China too it is not unusual to get at least a dozen SMSes in a single day. Well China has come up with an interesting way to keep the spam under control by limiting the number of SMSes that a single number can send per day. Now you might be thinking how absurd this is, taking away the right to send messages whenever one needs to, but relax it’s not that bad either. They have come up with really good numbers that should keep people happy, as a single number cannot send more than 200 messages per hour or 1,000 messages per day on weekdays. For the weekend holidays, the SMS count goes up to 500 per hour or a total of 2,000 in a day.
All three of the main mobile network operators in China: China Telecom, China Mobile Ltd. and China Unicorn, have given this method a thumbs up and have decided this to be a great way to deal with the SMS spam problem.
When are we going to see India come up with such ideas? Maybe once the mobile operators stop sending messages to users offering them new schemes.