Level Up: Another Game-creating Adventure
Create your own 3D puzzle/platform/adventure/whatever game with Atmosphir, then inflict it upon the world
Making your own game isn’t easy, even if you’ve got C code and 3D skills oozing out of every pore. Not surprising then, that we thought we’d run out of game-creation tools to tell you about. If game-creation tools were horses, we’d all be Bethesda. Or something like that, anyway.
But we were wrong. With a spanking new program called Atmosphir, you can create your own 3D platform game (like Mario, but with a whole extra D), share it with the Atmosphir community, and explore the games that others have created. The game engine is capable of some ridiculously complex levels, so there’s much fun to be had.
But first, you must head to http://atmosphir.com/download/ and sign yourself up for the private (as of this writing) beta. Go ahead now; we’ll wait.
Making the plan
Once you’ve got your beta invite and downloaded Atmosphir, you can get into Design mode to start creating your level. But first, you need to have a few things decided (don’t worry if some things don’t make sense yet; they will as we progress):
Firstly, where is your level going to take place? The current version of Atmosphir lets you create levels using three broad themes: a generic stone theme (the Adventure Pack), a forest theme (the Forest Treehouse Pack), and a desert theme (the Sand Castle Pack). You don’t have to commit to any, though you can mix and match as much as you want. For now, let’s settle for the regular Adventure Pack.
Secondly, what’s the main challenge going to be? Will the player have to get from point A to point B, rack up a certain number of points, defeat a number of enemies, or a combination of them all? Will there be a time limit? How many lives will the player have? For now, let’s keep this simple: get from A to B.
Finally, give yourself a clear idea of what the level is going to look like: will it be huge and sprawling, or a Tower of Doom? If you go the latter route, you can create up to 100 floors for each level, so there’s plenty of room to go nuts. That sounds good, so let’s do the multiple floor thing.
And now, to fire it up.
Getting started
If you’ve used even the most basic 3D program, you should feel right at home. The panel on the left is where you’ll choose the elements of your set platforms, enemies, power-ups, and such.
The big blue area in the middle is where you’ll be creating your level. At the top right corner of the window, you’ll see the floor (10, by default) that you’re building on. At the bottom left is the Capacity bar, which tells you how much of the game engine’s capacity you’re hogging. As your level gets more complex, you’ll need to watch this bar closely.
To examine your scene, you can use the Pan tool (the hand in the toolbar, or hold down middle-click and drag), and the Orbit tool (the atom-like symbol in the toolbar, or hold down [Alt]+ middle-click and drag).
There. Now we can start doing some real work.
The first floor
There are a couple of problems with what we see here. Firstly, it looks really drab, even for a dungeon. Secondly, none of those “rooms” seem to have any purpose. And finally, it doesn’t look like much of a challenge, does it?
Danger Room
Let’s start with turning room 4 into a death trap. First, we’ll start with a floor that crumbles
Here’s what we’re getting to: create one breaking stone, tweak its properties, and then copy ([Ctrl] + [C], then click to paste) it to random locations. Create another breaking stone, give it different properties, and then copy it a few times. Rinse and repeat until you’ve filled the room.
But why would players want to enter this crazy room? To lure them into your trap, you must stick in a fancy reward or two. Firstly, because Atmosphir won’t let you put a treasure and falling block in the same spot, replace one of the breaking stones with a standard block. Now, under Categories, select Treasure Props, and choose one of the props. Click on the standard block to place the treasure on it.
Now, you must test the level to make sure it’s not too frustrating (or not frustrating enough, for that matter). For that, we’ll create temporary Start and Finish flags. Under Category, select Flags. Lay a Start flag inside room 1, and a Finish flag in room 3. Click the green Play button on the toolbar to test the game.
It’s time, quite literally, to take this to the next level.
Doors, elevators, and nasties
When you lay the tiles for the thirteenth floor, remember to leave a gap for the elevator.
Now go back to the 10th floor to start putting in the elevator. If you can’t see the floor in its entirety, click the Toggle Floor Visibility button in the toolbar a few times until you do.
When you’re set with the path, you can put a platform on it. Still under Moving Platforms, choose one of the platforms (we picked the round one), and place it on the path. To start or stop the platform, toggle Simulation mode using [Space].
There’s just one thing missing...
All about character
If you’ve tested your level, complete with enemies, you may have noticed one fatal flaw — your character doesn’t have any weapons. To customize your character, you need to go back to the start screen (save your design, then hit [Esc]), and select Character.
On the left is your character, and on the right is all the stuff you can get for your character. To enable your sword, select Weapon in the drop down menu for your character, and select the default Beechwood Sword. Really, though, you should buy a better sword from the store on the right. Atmosphir uses its own currency (called Atmos), which you can buy for real money, but with the 200 Atmos you get when you register, you can get yourself a respectable sword (or frying pan, or golf club, or lightsaber, for that matter). You can’t sell your stuff yet, so watch how you spend those Atmos.
To use your weapon in-game, hit [Tab] to equip it, and use the middle mouse button to do your worst.
The Patience Game
You can look to Atmosphir’s Level of the Day page (http://atmosphir.com/news/category/level-of-the-day/) for some inspiration, but don’t fool yourself into believing that you’ll be cranking out games like these by the dozen. Even half-decent games take a lot of work, so keep at it. You may well give up after the first few tries, but that’s all right too. We won’t judge you.