Apple has upgraded their famous line of light weight laptops MacBook Air last week. With updated processors, backlit keyboard, and new OS (Lion) MacBook Air is irresistible for anyone who is interested in Apple products. If you already own an iPad, iPhone MacBook Air is an ideal choice which complements your existing collection.

It comes in both 13” and 11” and equipped with 64GB to 256GB flash drive and 4GB RAM. It has a built in thunderbolt interface so that you can connect any external thunderbolt device or any other with a convertor. It does not have an optical drive and the purchase/ update of apps and OS is through MAC App stores. (
It sets a benchmark in speed if you compare with similar equipped windows Laptop. Apple pricing in India is comparable with US pricing. It starts with RS 56.9K for a 11” MacBook Air and the top end model 13”, 256GB, 4GB costs you Rs 89.9K.
MAC Mini

If you like to have a computer in your living room, go for the new MAC Mini which can be connected your HD TV and is an outstanding performer. It is smaller than a CD Rom drive and boasts of 500GB HDD, 4GB RAM running Lion OS. And with an entry level price of RS39K it is your window to the World of Apple. If you really interested to run a professional network at home you can think of MAC Mini with dual 500GB HDD running Lion Server which will cost you RS 54.9K. It beats pants off of any PC sever server under 1.5L in performance, style and ease of use.