In such a fast growing world, where people have time constraints, they prefer to utilize every bit of their time to the fullest. Primary requisite is a handy phone which can carry their world and work at the same time. The phone should seamlessly facilitate checking E-mails, drafting word documents; interact with close friends or relatives etc. in their spare time. So companies also aim to cater to the growing demand of the customers smartly. Mobile developers are building applications from time to time which will are beneficial for small and medium business. Today we take a quick look at some of the Mobile apps which are doing rounds in the market.
Is an application created by Bump Technologies to support Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android operating systems. It facilitates the two Smartphone’s users to bump their phone physically together to gather the details of contact number, photos, calendars, social events and other documents via internet. Not only that it also allows the user to bump photos to the computer systems. It’s free to download in both the Smartphone’s. So it’s the appropriate option to keep the contact information intact and not to bother about the business cards.
Intuit Go Payment
Android, BlackBerry, iPhone, Palm WebOS and Symbian are the phones which are having the option of downloading this application. But one thing which is important is that it’s not free for using it you need to pay some funds. Like for authorization you need to pay some 30 cents and while its price approximately is somewhere around $12.95. It’s one of the features which accept the credit cards through the Smartphone. No specific hardware requirement is there and also no limit to daily transaction.
Quick Office Connect Mobile Suite
It’s one of the services which use the Internet to get the access to the entire Microsoft office productivity suite. It allows creating, editing, modifying or sharing the document and spreading sheets along with presentation work as well. For this application you need to pay an amount of $9.99. It is also accessible via all the Smartphone’s named Blackberry, iPhone apps etc. It displays the list of files in a single alphabetical list.
Trip IT Travelling
Basic version of the application comes free. But for further enjoying the facility you need to purchase its membership for $49 for a year. It allows 10 users for a month with the amount of $29 a month. Business delegates have to travel a lot and for maintaining their itinerary they need to keep the records. Due to a lot of work pressure sometimes, it might happen that they may forget some meeting timing. So to keep in the sink the details of the meeting this application is quite helpful. Itineraries can be customized for including the details of the map, weather and directions.
Sales CRM EZi
Applicable to all the Smartphone’s like Black Berry, Android and iPhone apps. It’s an application from which you could track the sales opportunities and generate revenue forecast.