SIP Trunking Shows Continued Global Growth

Heavy Reading IP Services Insider (HRIPSI) have gone further, quantifying the rapid growth in demand. Their estimates suggest that 8.5 million SIP trunks had been deployed world-wide by 2009. HRIPSI are predicting that there will be 24.3 million SIP trunks in use by the end of 2013.
Admittedly the Annual SIP Survey and the HRIPSI report data sets are imbalanced, with The SIP School’s data being drawn mainly from Enterprise-class organisations and HRIPSI’s from SMEs. However both clearly show marked increase in demand for SIP trunking services from both ends of the business spectrum, confirming the fact that ISDN-based telecommunications are in steep decline.
The Annual SIP Survey further confirms this finding, stating that on top of the 61% of businesses already using SIP trunking, another 29% are researching or testing the technology. Just 6% of respondents indicated that they are not currently interested in SIP trunking services.
Where SIP trunking was once the preserve of large multinational organisations operating multiple offices and sites, HRIPSI conclude that the majority of future growth in demand will come from SMEs. The falling cost of VoIP technology and hardware now allows even the smallest company to reap equivalent telephony cost-savings to their enterprise-class competitors.
As Denise Culver, research analyst with Heavy Reading IP Services Insider and author of the report noted, "SIP trunking is a way for enterprises that once were considered too small to afford leased-line services to gain competitive edge against larger competitors, but at a much lower price point."
To learn more about why SIP trunking is in such high demand, call Gamma today on 0808 149 9666 and our team will be happy to answer your questions.