Branding Tech Startups

To get into the competition at an early stage companies need a lot of help. Start-ups need to think about branding from the start, so that they don’t need to revert anything once the start-up is done. Many public relations, branding, and marketing professionals say start-ups need to think about their message to the public from the jump.
Many Branding experts say that, in this technology space, the most important thing is the Product. If you have a great product that at meets real user needs the product will sell itself; if you have a bad product that nobody likes, then no amount of marketing and branding can fix the problems. “Product First, Branding Second”.
Branding is really about a simple way to communicate to the world what your product does and who it is for. Companies has to find a simple way to communicate to the world, so that everyone gets the message. Once the message is set then start spreading the word with PR and viral marketing tactics.
How to Kick Start your Tech Startup
- Examine Before You Implement
- Network using Social Media
- Build a Voice
- Ignite interest on public about your Company
- Work for a Strong Motto
- Put-on Exceptional Customer Service
- Frame a Long-lasting Network
- Deliver Your Assurances
- Be Persistent
The Importance of Brand Behavior

Branding is a service and promise to your customer. It tells them what they can expect from your products and services, and it differentiates your offering from your competitors. Your brand is derived from who you are, who you want to be and who people perceive you to be.
The foundation of your brand is your logo. Your website, packaging and promotional materials - all of which should integrate your logo and communicate your brand.
Your brand’s strategy should be based on company goals. It’s about what your customers perceive about you and how you make them feel. It has to Figure out what your company does best beyond what you sell, and make it a part of your brand strategy.
For Example, Dell just doesn’t sells laptops and desktops, it gives you better service as well. This goes beyond your product itself -- it's about selling the problem you are solving.
Find a way to connect to your customers on a deeper level. Make them feel like part of the family. Connect with your customers on the point before and after a sale. Answer their questions and concerns on social media. Classic example is, Batman doesn’t have any real superpowers, but whenever that signal lights up the sky, people trust that he will be there -- because he always is.
A well-managed brand is always making adjustments. Branding is a process, not a race, not an event so expect to constantly tweak your message and refresh your image. Successful brands don’t cling to the old ways just because they worked in the past; instead, they try to re-invent themselves by being flexible which frees them to be more savvy and creative.
Having a clear branding strategy will bring tangibility and signification to your brand. So think of above strategies in your mind and do things that people really care about. If you follow the above strategies, your product will be exclusive and will be on its way to become a valued brand.