Best Astronomy Apps for Stargazers
Moon Globe
Let’s start with our closest friend – the Moon. Moon Globe will transfer your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad in a portable telescope. The app allows you to zoom in with 500x magnification and explore the Moon surface, including the so called dark side. Spread two fingers on the screen to see the map of a particular place. Use 3D tag cloud to learn the names and short facts about the mountains, seas, craters and other objects. The buttons on the bottom let you move left to right and south to north while the little telescope button get you to a different viewing mode. There are also a lot of other functions such as sunset watching, Moon position at your place, Moon phases and so on. If you liked this app, don’t forget to check it’s brother – Mars Globe.
Download Moon Globe for: iPhone (free), iPad ($0.99)
GoSkyWatch Planetarium

Though GoSkyWatch is a nice app, it has one serious drawback. You can show only naked-eye visible stars, that is not enough for advanced stargazers.
Download GoSkyWatch for: iPhone ($3.99), iPad (free)
Pocket Universe: Virtual Sky Astronomy

Download Pocket Universe for iPhone ($2.99)
Solar Walk 3D
Solar Walk 3D was featured by Apple as Best Apps three times. And it really is! This application helps you explore the Solar System and see planets and their Moons in close-up with all the necessary information including history of exploration, inner structures, and points of interest and so on. Besides, you can see 3D pics of most famous or interesting satellites. One of the most amazing features of Solar Walk is time machine. It allows you to set date and time and take travel back in time to see how the universe looked like years or even centuries ago.Download Solar Wald 3D for iPhone/iPad ($2.99)

Download Nasa for iPhone/iPad (free)
Cosmographia is a mind-blowing app and must have for all stars amateurs. Move with a simple swipe to faraway distances and learn more information about the Universe. The app provides data about planets, constellations, moons, asteroids, dwarf planets and spacecraft. If you know where you want to “go”, just use a menu of planets or moons and navigate to the one you need. In case you are tired of all the information or just want to enjoy the view, tap the screen to hide the interface and get an amazing space view. The app also gives you a chance to experience interplanetary missions and track the positions of International Space Station and the Hubble Space Telescope.Download Cosmographia for iPad ($2.99)

Download Exoplanet for iPhone/iPad (free)
Space Images
Space Images doesn’t provide a great many features, but has a huge library of stunning images and videos taken by spacecraft. Enjoy pictures of galaxies, stars, planets, comets and many more. The app allows you to save the images you like in the Favorites folder as well as on your device and set them as background. You can also share the pictures via Facebook or Twitter account and check the most popular pics among other users.Download Space Images for iPhone (free), for iPad (free)