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Mobile Vs Desktop: Who Wins the Race ?

Are you quizzed about why there is so much conversation about mobile phones? Well, there should not be this much confusion, just look around you, what do you see people with in a restaurant, bar, coffee shop, park or while commuting? Are they using their laptops or cellphones? The answer is obvious; people are using their cellphone every time and everywhere.
We did a social experiment and asked people about the last software they installed on their laptop and the last app they downloaded on their smart phone. Six out of ten people took a while to recollect what they last used their laptop for and what was the last software they installed but they did instantaneously told us about the latest bubble game they downloaded or the photo editing app they are using.

Even if you look at the statics the numbers will prove you the exponential increase in rate of smart phone usage from last year. So what are people actually using their cellphones for? According to Online Publishers Association/Frank N. Magid Associates:
  • 99.5 percent access content/information
  • 63.1 access the Internet
  • 62.1 percent check email
  • 49.2 percent listen to music
  • 46 percent play games
  • 41.7 percent download and use apps
  • 15 percent make purchases
  • 15 percent read a book

Why use a Mobile ?

For me, and even for most us these days, using a cellphone is not about just “Since everyone is using it”, even the marketers are taking this sentence really seriously. “Since everyone is using it” so they see a great potential in mobile market. For this reason a great number of apps and games are developed every day for mobiles phones. Ecommerce giants like Myntra have their dedicated mobile friendly eCommerce app where they offer dedicated app discounts and features.

In this era, mobile usage has gone beyond imagination, beyond just logging into social media, beyond checking your feeds on Facebook, emails on Gmail, conducting a search on Google or shopping shoes on Myntra. Mobiles are adopted in a way that they serve customers 24 x 7, executives form customer relationships extremely strong by being with the customers with them on their smartphones, hence making the complete mobile experience personalized and more user friendly.

As the numbers narrate, according a survey done by IDG Global Mobile Survey 2014.
  • 92 percent of executives use their smartphone for business purposes.
  • 77 percent of executives use their smartphone to do a research or conduct surveys on a product or service of their company
  • 93 percent of executives use internet to do wholesale purchase and finding sellers.
  • 86 percent use their tablet and 72 percent of executives use their smartphone to conduct research for products or services for their business.
All in all, even executive and businesses are focusing on mobile domain to buy, sell or conduct research.

Smartphone as a competitive Advantage

Have a look around yourself, whether individuals, businesses, SEO, social media, advertising, marketing, sales, information technology, customer relationship management or software development, mobiles are definitely becoming the preferred tool for communication and even work.

Organizations are digitally connecting with their customers and customers are taking advantage by utilizing the offers and discounts offered by companies.


Mobiles are a great combination of size and connectivity, this simply makes them a means of sharing knowledge. This knowledge which is distributed or aggregated in realms of bits and pieces is bridged by mobile devices and shared in both personal and professional ways. Uber provides you a method to connect with drivers at lower fare , Tinder helps you to find your potential date while Mynrta brings the fashion street at your doorstep.

So do you own a business ? Are you mobile yet ? If not, you are missing to be part of future mobile eCommerce.